Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Take Hold of the Moment

When does learning becomes more meaningful?

It is when something happened, curiosity arises  and when a solution is needed (often in a desperate and forced situation, do you agree?). Take hold of the moment where the best impact can be given.

I made use of this Olympic season to teach facts and current issues.
I did this when everyone and media was raving about Rio 2016: - The BeST time when the topic was still sizzling hot!
From this topic (Olympic) alone, I get to cover Malaysian athletes/ heroes of Malaysia/ iconic people of Malaysia and sports. All of these are actually in the English syllabus. I got to cover more topics in one go. It saves time and acted as an enrichment for the pupils plus extra knowledge.

The pupils were given one month to complete the folio (till the end of Olympic).

1. Introduction to Summer and Winter Olympics as well as Paralympic (videos).
2. Simple discussion about Rio 2016.
3. Teacher explains the project to the pupils.
4. Pupils finish up the folio in 1 month's time.
5. Appreciation.
6. Displaying the folios in the school library as references.

This is surely another worthy project for my kids. They were happy to learn many new things WHILE doing this project. Even I myself learnt some new things when I read through their folios (I just found out the meaning of the design of the torch! Gagaga!)

Another thing which they were happy about was that they got to spend some time with their parents because they did the folio together.

Oh, one more...they got to watch TV! (because of project they said. Hahaha)

Their folios displayed in the library

Let's watch what's inside the folio~

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Creating Opportunities for Experiential Learning

Many of what we can do well today (skills, language, etc) are mostly developed through experiences in our daily life. We learn from our mistakes. We learn by doing it, practicing and practicing till we get it right. We found it more meaningful to experience it first-hand and what happened to us usually stay with us for the rest of our life (aside from Alzheimer sufferers). This is experiential learning.

I always believe that one can enjoy more through this type of learning, combined with other modern type of learning such as real-time learning. If given enough time, the learning experience will be one of the best for the learners and will develop better quality in the foundation of their knowledge.

Therefore, to create the right atmosphere and opportunities is important to help the learners to be able to be in the right setting for experiential learning.

This is what the English Panitia of SJKC Keh Seng did for the Year 6 Pupils after their UPSR. We invited Stephanie Schulz from Germany who is on a holiday travelling the world while doing charity works wherever she goes.

To create first hand experience for the pupils to interact with a foreigner using English language as a medium of communication.

1. Introduction of the programme and the speaker by the head panitia.
2. Stephanie conducts her session (travel stories)
3. Cultural activities (some basic German words, German traditional song)
4. Making bracelets by Jannik.
5. Pupils prepare for presentation about the countries they have heard about from Stephanie's sharing. Stephanie will go from group to group to guide and communicate more with them.
6. Pupils did a short presentation (2 representatives per group) - telling at least 5 things they know about a country which Stephanie and her son has traveled to.
7. Summary and closing.
8. Photo session.

At first, the pupils were all very reluctant to speak out. They were very shy and no confidence in using English to communicate. But their biggest problem was that they didn't understand her because they weren't used to that intonation. But this was what they will have to overcome because this is what the real world is about out there. So, this is their very first encounter with someone who cannot speak their language other than English, which is the only language that can be used to communicate. The pupils have no chance but are forced to use English in order to speak to her or Jannik.

After about 40 minutes, the pupils started to 'warm up' and slowly we can see more hands going up to ask questions. After 1 hour, they were more comfortable and began speaking more to Jannik (maybe it's easier for kids to talk to kids....the age gap is )

Another obstacle for the pupils was the presentation. They got nervous when they have to stand in front of the crowd presenting their work - in ENGLISH! Many dare not even to open their mouth but Stephanie and the teachers kept encouraging them. At last, every group managed to finish presenting. Everyone gave them a big applause for their courage to try.

Pupil's feedback:
They were scared, nervous, lack of confidence, feel like running away. But at the end of the session, some pupils were more confident in using English. Some thought that they couldn't utter even a word, but they did it and this is a stepping stone for them and as an encouragement to them that they can do it. Some learnt many new words and learnt to communicate better and more fluently in English. Many were awed and inspired by Jannik's ability to speak in front of the crowd at such a young age - using English!

Overall, I am glad that we were able to create an opportunity for the pupils as this doesn't comes by often. This is the first, and there will be second for them later on in life. I wish them all the best in their future! May this stepping stone brings them further in the future.

Again, we have to remind ourselves that experiential learning takes time. Human brain needs time to process the input we gathered. Even machines needs time to process any entry it is given. So why do we need to rush our pupils to give superbly good answers immediately after we finish teaching something? Give them some time to process whatever 'data' they received through their learning process. Some might finally understand it after 2 years or 5 years but I believe, when they finally understands them, it will lead to another understanding in another area. We can plant the seed and let them grow and bear fruit in their time comfortably and allow other teachers who will teach them to nurture them day by day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

How My Class Looks Like During Lesson: Be the Respected Teacher.

Me, slowly taking the camera (mobile phone) out of my handbag, intending to take their picture silently.....but, oh well! They're just too alert and sensitive to the camera! Hahaha!

Here goes:
The typical look when their 'antenna' sensed the camera!

Let's see more photos of them! ^w^

Making themselves feel at home. Feel free to move about~

Are you crowning me with your tie, friend? Lol

Bro, can you help me with this question, please?

Let's check the dictionary together. Checking......checking......checking.....

While the two are completing their work together......there will be someone at the back to photobomb

Photobomb successful!

Look at his shocked expression! He got shy after that! Haha!

Hey bro, I need your help again!

Yeah, I know. Looks messy, right?
But you've got it wrong~ They are in control. 
I like my class to be this way. They are active in learning. They move about to ask questions to me or their peers. This is the best time to let them actually practice using the language! 

Some teachers asked: 
How do you do that? How do you keep them in control while letting them move and talk?
How did you make the problematic pupil to do your work?
Wow, you are very successful in gaining their interest in your lesson.

My answer: Be the respected teacher.
I wouldn't expect every teacher to be able to do like this in a short while. This actually takes time. But, do not give up. Continue to do your best for them.
For this class, I have been with them since they were in Year 3. They gave me quite a headache at first. I learnt from my mistakes along the journey with them.

Get to know your pupils better. Listen to them instead of just lashing out without giving them a chance to speak for themselves. 
Imagine, how would you react to a boss who doesn't respect you as a person? Yes, you will tend to not have the motivation to work your best anymore. Same goes for the pupils.

One of my weakness which I learned to overcome: >>  Expectations!
Lower down your expectations! Underachieved expectations will lead to frustrations. 
Frustrations will lead to more disappointments. 
Accumulated disappointments will lead to giving up...and that's where everything starts to crumble.

We need to remember that they are still children. Let them have their childhood, if not outside, create one in your classroom! This is where teacher-pupil connections and mutual respect are built. 

When relationships and respect are built, it is easier to get your message across to the pupils. Why? Of course! Let me ask you then; Do you listen to someone whom you like or dislike? That's right. To the one whom you like~  ;)
On a note; be stern and firm on discipline!

Teach for mastery, not test scores! 
Just like building a house, the foundation is the most important! 
Imagine a four storey house will be built.
First, they have to prepare the base. After the given time, inspectors came and said "Ok. 75% done".
Then, they continued doing the first floor because of time frame. And again, after the given time, it was 70% done. 
They continued to the 2nd floor: 80% done.
3rd floor: 60% done.
By the time they continued to the 4th floor, everything came crumbling down because the weak base couldn't support the heavy top layers.
Same goes with education!

There are many more things for me to learn in the coming years. But for now, I just want to give my pupils enjoyable time in school. Children nowadays are so much burdened with tuitions! Everything is about studying, studying, studying......for EXAM! Their face is literally in the book from 7.30a.m - 10 p.m everyday in average. They are still so young (6 years old - 12 years old) but already deprived of their childhood.

Do you know that playing is one of the way children learn things best?

We need to balance out study and play! Help bring back the smile on the children's faces.

Another reminder for myself too~
All the best, educators!