Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Classroom Idea : Ask-me Bag!

Let me introduce something familiar yet different.

Have you heard of Parking Lot? The 21st century learning classroom idea? Yeahhhhh~~

This is something similar to Parking Lot. The difference is that this bag is not placed behind the classroom / not static. Rather, the bag will be passed around the classroom. And Question Slips are prepared by the teacher in advance.

Things to prepare:
1. Paper bag (used but in still in good condition ones)
2. Label (use your creativity to create an interesting one)
3. Question slips (use your laptop and print...then make copies of it...then cut them into slips)
The paper bag and the question slips (not cut yet)

When to use:
At the end of the lesson (as summary or QnA session)

I noticed that the pupils did not even touch the Parking Lot at the back of the classroom. Maybe, they're just too busy to be bothered by it...too busy to even think of questions to ask....or maybe, not even knowing what to ask.....I don't blame them in a way, because it is true that their schedule is pretty much jam packed. And, who wants to do extra work when they can't even handle the one they're supposed to do? They will surely take every opportunity to rest if they can find it due to their jam-packed daily schedule. I myself will do it if I am in their shoes, don't you?  

So, I was thinking, there must be another way where they can do it. 
After sitting down, day-dreaming, thinking, and analyzing,...I noticed that pupils will do something which is prompted on the spot. So, everything must be done there and then. That was when the idea of passing the bag around came up. I was thinking about the pass-the-box game and another incident of passing the box from the front to the back of the bus to collect back caps from the pupils during our recent field trip to Penang island and how smoothly it went compared to teachers shouting and yelling for the caps. ^^

With this bag, everyone will have to write a question on the slip given. The prepared slip will guide them on how and what to write instead of just giving a blank piece of paper; which I did once and got back blank and crumpled piece of paper. ^^'''
This way, they will be able to practice on their questioning / inquiring skills too. 

What question to write?
I set a limit to one question per slip per lesson (per person).
They can write any question they want to ask about the topic we have just discussed.

How does the teacher answer the questions?
Orally or you can take your time to write the answers behind the question slip respectively.

Writing is a good form of communication for the shy / introverted people. Everyone in the classroom manage to come up with a query each. 

Examples of questions posed by the pupils ... spot some funny and  difficult questions

Let's watch a short video on it~ Enjoy!

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